Creative Non-Fiction
“Quando o mundo se abre: impressões, sonhos e demandas.” Montreal Celebra 50 Anos do 25 de Abril: 1974-2014. Montreal: Publicação Comunitária, 2024.
“My Mother and I.” Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Letters and Studies, Brown University, Spring 2021. Brown Digital Repository | Item | bdr:qvyxzueh
“A minha avó, dentro da minha mãe, dentro da minha tia.” Passos de Nossos Avós. Lisboa: Editora Alma Letra, 2020. INVITED.
“Diatribe of a Mute Eve.” St. Petersburg Review/Springhouse Journal: Women Writing the Lusophone World, Issue No. 6, Fall 2019. Translated from the Portuguese by the author (with added sections). Originally published in Letras & Letras, 2013. INVITED.
“Diatribe de uma Eva muda (em tempos de hoje).” Letras & Letras, Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Fall 2013. 7 pages.
“Notes on the Incestuous and Monocultural Nexus of the Literati.” Maple Tree Literary Supplement. Issue 21, July 2016.
“The Sterility of the Individual Ontological Search Versus the Fecundity of the Relational Ontological Search in Saramago’s The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis.” TRANSverse: A Comparative Studies Journal, II, November 2004. Toronto: Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto.
Poetry (Multiple Pieces)
“The Evening Country”, “She Moves” and “My Self.” Canadian Woman Studies/Les cahiers de la femme: Black, Indigenous, and Racialized Women in Leadership Positions. Vol. 36, Number 1, 2, 2023. Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc. /York University.
“Ascent to Being.” Hera, The Light of Woman." INVITED.
“Churches, cathedrals and us”, “My toenails”, “There are no words” and “I do not speak”. Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Letters and Studies, Brown University, Fall 2020.
“Amarília e a vida”, “A origem das coisas”, “Cave serena”, “A melodia de Deus, ou Deolinda” and “A manhã dos voadores”. Poetas lusófonos na diáspora - Antologia - III Volume. Oxalá Editora, Europress: Dortmund/Germany, 2020.
“Small Words”, “The Kitchen”, “Notions of God”, “The Gemini in Me” and “I Sit Here”. Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 2019.
“Verbs”, “This Love, This Light”, “A Dreamed Grammar” and “You –”. April-July 2018, No. 23, Maple Tree Literary Supplement.
“The Making of Beautiful Stories” and “Taking Photographs”. Writers of the Portuguese Diaspora in the United States and Canada: An Anthology. Ed. Luís Gonçalves and Carlo Matos. New Jersey: Boavista Press, 2015.
“Writing and Speaking” and “Words”. Memória: An Anthology of Portuguese-Canadian Writers. Ed Fernanda Viveiros. Bellingham, Washington: Fidalgo Books, 2013.
“O movimento da memória.” revista de arte, ciência e comunicação. Ano IV, Número 9, Outubro 2008-Janeiro 2009.
“Memories of my Body and Soul: Multiple Poems.” revista de arte, ciência e comunicação. Ano II, Número 6, Fevereiro-Abril 2007.
“Memories of the Southern War,” “The War Godmother,” “The Rose Mark,” “Without my Consent,” “Terra Nullius,” “The Women from Bunnia” and “The Incógnita Land.” Poems and commentary about the poems. The International Research Confederacy on African Literature and Culture (IRCALC). Ed. Gloria Emezue. Tema, Ghana: Progeny International, 2006. 157-172.
“Changing the Universe.” NEBULA: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship. No. 2.2, June 2005.
“The Virgin Hen” and “Marrying Myself.” A Room of One’s Own: Canada’s Feminist Literary Journal. No. 28.1, Fall 2005, Vancouver.
“Um poema português (ou decreto de lei)” and “Sacramentos incómodos.” TRANSverse: A Comparative Studies Journal, I. March 2004. Toronto: Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto.
“Gratitude Mornings.” A Room of One’s Own: Canada’s Feminist Literary Journal. No. 26.4, Winter 2004, Vancouver.
“Leite de mel.” Canadian Woman Studies/Les cahiers de la femme. Vol. 21, Number 4, July 2002. Toronto: Inanna Publications and Education Inc. /York University.
Short Fiction (Multiple Pieces)
“Corpos encardidos de séculos.” Pixé: Revista Literária. Edição Especial ano 3 junho/2021 MUNDO LUSÓFONO. Folheie a Edição Mundo Lusófono | Revista Pixé ( INVITED.
“As eternas cartas de Núria Maria (ou um tratado de espera).” Gávea-Brown: A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Letters and Studies, Brown University, Spring 2021. Brown Digital Repository | Item | bdr:cagxetbb
“Diarios de uma menina-moça (que emigrou).” Short Story. Correr Mundo: Dez mulheres, dez histórias de emigração. Dortmund/Germany: Oxalá Editora, 2020.
“A minha avó, dentro da minha mãe, dentro da minha tia”. Avós: Raízes e Nós. Lisboa: Editora Alma Letra, 2020.
“Os berlindes do indizível”. Antologia Literária Satúrnia:: Aurores Luso-Canadianos. Satúrnia: Monteral, 2020.
“The Worth of Life.” revista de arte, ciência e comunicação. Ano II, Número 6, Fevereiro-Abril 2007.
“Carmina and the Painkillers.” TRANSverse: A Comparative Studies Journal, II, September 2005. Toronto: Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto.
“The Worth of Life.” revista de arte, ciência e comunicação. Ano II, Número 6, Fevereiro-Abril 2007.
“Carmina and the Painkillers.” TRANSverse: A Comparative Studies Journal, II, September 2005. Toronto: Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto.
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