Reviews/Blurbs/Afterwords on Work by Other Authors: Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction and Poetry
“Free the caged melros: A Review of trust the bluer skies, Meditations on Fatherhood by paulo da costa.” Regina: University of Regina Press, 2024. Prism International. August 29, 2024.
The Joyful Song of the Partridge (Novel), Paulina Chiziane. Trans. David Brookshaw. New York: Archipelago Books, 2024. Afterword (484-488) and Back Cover Blurb.
Trust the Bluer Skies: Meditations on Fatherhood (Memoir), paulo da costa. Regina: University of Regina Press, 2024. Invited. Blurb.
29 leads to love (Poetry), Salimah Valiani. Toronto: Inanna Publications, 2021. The Humber Literary, Fall/Winter 2022/23 vol 10, issue 2.
A Matter of Geography (A novel), Jasmine d’Costa. Mosaic Press, 2017. “A Matter of Cognition: The ‘Country’ We Live In.” April-July 2018, No. 23, Maple Tree Literary Supplement.
A Samurai’s Pink House (Poems), Sonia Saikaley. Inanna Publications. “Finding the Way: A Love that Demands.” April-July 2018, No. 23, Maple Tree Literary Supplement.
The Midwife of Torment & Other Stories, Paulo da Costa, Guernica Editions, 2017. “Calling Us into Seeing and Being More: “Me” and the World.” Fall 2017, Canadian Writers Abroad.
The Complete Stories: Clarice Lispector, Clarice Lispector. New Directions, 2015. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, Tulsa University, Spring 2017.
Only More So (Poems), Millicent Borges Accardi. Salmon Poetry, 2016. “The Love that Language Tries to Conjure Up.” Spring 2017, Hiram Poetry Review (Hiram College, U.S.A).
AndarIlha: Viagens De Um Hífen (Crónicas), Maria João Dodman. Letras Lavadas Edicões (Portugal), 2016.
Ossuaries (Poems), Dionne Brand. McClelland & Stewart, 2010. “Bones and Marrow.” Canadian Writers Abroad, July 2016.
Most Human Human Contest (Flash Non-Fiction), Carlo Matos. Slash Pine Press, 2015. American Microreviews & Interviews (U.S.A.) November 2015.
Carnival (Novel), Rawi Hage. House of Anansi, 2012. Canadian Writers Abroad, September 2015.
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