Translations (Portuguese to English)
“Diatribe of a Mute Eve.” St. Petersburg Review/Springhouse Journal: Women Writing the Lusophone World, Issue No. 6, Fall 2019. Translated from the Portuguese by the author (with added sections). Originally published in Letras & Letras (2013)
“As três irmãs” and “O menino que escrevia versos.” Two short stories from Mia Couto’s collection O Fio das Missangas. African Studies, Spring 2017.
“Governados pelos mortos,” “A luavezinha,” and “A menina sem palavra.” Three short stories from Mia Couto’s collection Contos do Nascer da Terra (‘Stories of The Birth of The Land’). African Literary Association Quarterly Bulletin (July 2005).
Co-translator (with Alexandra Luce and Paolo Horta). Colonial Saints: Discovering the Holy in the Americas, 1500-1800. Eds. Allan Greer and Jodi Bilinkoff. New York: Routledge, 2003.
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