Refereed Academic Publications (Articles in Journals)
“Mia Couto.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. 1-30. doi: INVITED.
“The Case for Literary Extroversion and Human Consciousness Expansion in Canadian Literature: Writing, Identity, and Belonging beyond the Anglo-Saxon Ethic and Aesthetic”. Reconstructions of Canadian Identity: Towards Diversity and Inclusion, Eds Vander Tavares and Maria João Maciel Jorge. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2024. 131-146.
“Reclaiming Black Sovereignty: Conscientization, Negritude and Pan-Africanism in the Poetry of Noémia de Sousa.” Portuguese Studies Review. Portuguese Studies Review, Volume 31 (1) (2023). 5-28.
“Symbolical Recreations of “Wholeness”: Memory, Mourning, Nostalgia and Counter-Nostalgia of the Colonial in Karen Blixen and Isabela Figueiredo.” Portuguese Studies Review, Volume 27 (1), 2019. 135-176.
“Suspending the ‘Lack’ Through Art: African and Western Epistemological and Artistic Intersections (Mia Couto, Wole Soyinka, Léopold Senghor, Gaston Bachelard and Mark Epstein).” African Studies. Volume 27, 2018 – Issue 1. 127-144.
“Looking for ‘God’ in Non-Identity: Reading the Transcendental in Agualusa’s The Book of Chameleons.” InterDISCIPLINARY: Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies. Volume 5, 2017. 59-90.
“The Way/s of ‘Poetry’: The Contracting and Expanding Self in the Writing of Mia Couto.” JALA: Journal of the African Literature Association. Volume 9, No. 2 Summer/Fall 2015. 75-111.
Confused ‘Slaves’ of Many Traditions: The Search for the Freedom Dance in Chiziane’s Niketche: A Tale of Polygamy.” Research in African Literatures. SUMMER 2010, Vol. 41, No. 2. Indiana University Press. 133-159.
“The Mirror of Colonial Trauma in Honwana’s Short Stories: The ‘Eye’ that Accuses and Incites.” African Identities: Journal of Economics, Culture and Society, Vol. 6, No. 2, May 2008. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 127-147.
“Mia Couto and the Holistic Choric Self: Recreating the Broken Cosmic Order (Or: Relearning the Song that Truly Speaks.” Journal of African Literature and Culture, N 4. The International Research Confederacy on African Literature and Culture (IRCALC). Ed. Charles Smith. Tema, Ghana: Progeny International, 2007. 101-124.
“Postcolonial African Consciousness and the Poetry of Agostinho Neto.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal. 5.4 (December 2003), Purdue University Press.
Refereed Academic Publications (Chapters in Books/Collectives)
“Female Resistance and Engagement: Combating Intersecting Powers of Colonialisms and Patriarchies in Mia Couto’s Woman of the Ashes.” The Worlds of Mia Couto. Ed. Kristian Van Haesendonck. New York: Peter Lang. 2020. INVITED.
“Debunking Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Essentialisms: Miscegenation/s and the Call toward Global and Cosmic Citizenship in Mia Couto’s The Other Foot of The Mermaid.” African, Lusophone, and Afro-Hispanic Cultural Dialogue, Eds Yaw Agawu-Kakraba and Komla Aggor. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 2018. 27-58.
“Spaces of Magic: Couto’s Relational Practices.” A Companion to Mia Couto. Eds Grant Hamilton and David Huddart. Suffolk: James Currey: 2016. 64-85.
“Washing by the River.” An original feminist fairy tale and an interpretative essay (‘Can the Butterfly Fly?: A Reading of Aniashinta’s Story’) about the tale. The Fairy Godmentor's Advice for Women Like Us: Life Lessons from Educated Women. Ed. Judith A. Spector. Indiana: Authorhouse, 2010. 75-110.
“The Works of Chin Che: A Critical Overview.” The Works of Chin Ce: Critical Supplement (A)1. Nigeria: Handel Books; Oxford: African Books Collective, 2008. 11-36.
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